Employee Global Logistics

Affordable solutions to help corporate Talent Globalization teams manage international assignments.
Easy-to-understand talent globalization lifecycle design for managing international assignments and foreign employees
Use contract or policy profiles to automate location information, allowances, benefits, required documents, and internal charging data when adding new assignments/jobs
Simultaneously add a new employee and assignment to save time
Automatically compose assignment letters on your company’s templates
Assignment action alerts to keep your team on task
Document storage throughout the organizational structure, assignments, and employees
Robust visibility over expatriate and foreign workforce data
Configurable Quick View of an employee’s important assignment/job data fields
View aggregated data from multiple assignments on the Employee Detail page
Instant headcount summaries based on configurable filters for your organization
Push-button reports built to meet the needs of your organization
Compliant security controls for your global business
Individual user accounts with historical change logging
Hosted on a FedRAMP authorized platform meeting High Impact Level Security Categorization
Meets Moderate Baseline Security Controls according to U.S. Government requirements for nonfederal information systems
Meets European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations for PII